Stage 1, 2, 3: features and differences

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Stage 1, 2, 3: features and differences | Deiz

The numbering of the stages indicates which phase of tuning the car goes through. Each stage involves improving the technical characteristics of the car. The main feature is that you cannot move to the next stage without completing the previous one.

Stage 0

This stage is rarely mentioned, as it means the complete absence of tuning, the original condition of the car. It has all the same characteristics that it had when it came off the line. This is how it gets to the professionals before it starts to improve.

Stage 1

This is the simplest stage, suitable for any vehicle. It aims to improve the factory ECU. Minimal technical changes are made here. For example, it installs turbine pressure sensors and sensors that allow you to better monitor engine performance, introduces a straight-through exhaust system, puts a zero resistance filter, etc. But even such small changes pleasantly improve the performance of your car.

Stage 2

This stage involves the replacement of some parts.  Based on what has already been done, it is possible to further modernize the car by replacing the exhaust manifold, introducing more powerful injectors, slightly increasing the power of the engine. At this stage the fuel system is also improved, a turbocharger and compressor are installed, and so on. By this point, the changes are already more noticeable.

Stage 3

This is the final stage and there are no restrictions, allowing you to completely transform your car. And even get it ready to take part in sporting competitions. All necessary changes have already been made, so it is possible to replace any parts and even blocks, in order to raise the performance and bring the car to the ideal. The disadvantage of such tuning is increased fuel consumption in daily exploitation.

The development of tuning is endless. You can realize all your ideas from stage to stage with DEIZ!