Electric vehicle servicing: tips from DEIZ

More people are starting to think about changing to an electric car. However, buying one brings significant changes in service and maintenance. Learn the specifics before buying your first electric car.

Electric vehicle servicing: tips from DEIZ | Deiz


1. no internal combustion engine and many parts connected to it that need to be serviced. The electric motor has much less deterioration due to the smaller number of moving parts.

2. No fuel tank.

3. Instead of a gearbox, there is a reducer, which transmits torque to the wheels. The need to change the oil is eliminated.

4. Heating of the interior occurs without starting the engine.

5. The availability of an inverter and high voltage cables.

6. Replacement of brake pads occurs much less frequently. Because electric cars use an energy recovery system, which reduces the load on the braking system.

7.  In addition, electric cars do not have an exhaust system, so there is no need to worry about emissions testing or passing emission controls.

Let’s take a look at a few key maintenance tips that you should follow to keep your vehicle in great condition and enjoy an environmentally friendly and economical way to drive for the rest of its life.

1. Correct charging. One of the most important parts of an electric vehicle is its battery. Its optimal level of charge is 80%. And the discharge mark should not be less than 20%. Try not to use fast charging stations with direct current, it is better to use stations with alternating current. It is also important to monitor the weather conditions during charging, as extreme temperatures can have a negative impact on the battery. The optimal temperature range is between -15 and +35 degrees. Frequent disregard of these tips will result in fast battery deterioration.

2. Regular maintenance. The periodicity of such work is not strictly regulated, but experts advise to carry out a complete check of the car every 20-40 thousand kilometers.

4. Care of the body and interior. Regular washing and protection of the body from corrosion will help to keep your electric car in good condition. It is also important to look after the condition of the wheels and check the tire pressure regularly. Interior care will help avoid any odors and maintain an attractive appearance. We also recommend the service of ceramic leather treatment for durability.

Therefore, maintaining an electric car is more convenient and less expensive in the long run. However, it is worth noting that the initial cost of an electric vehicle may be higher, also consider the cost of replacing the batteries in the future.

Contact DEIZ to buy or rent a modern electric car!