Does a car lose its dealer warranty after stage 1, 2, 3?

The question of how a car modification affects the warranty is of concern to many car owners who want to improve the performance of their cars. Modifications in the format of stage 1, 2, 3 imply an increase in power and improvement of dynamic characteristics of the car by changing ECU settings, installation of new parts and systems.

What does stage 1, 2, 3 give?

Stage 1: Increases power by programming the engine control unit without making structural changes to the hardware of the car.

Stage 2: Allows you to get more power by making basic modifications to the vehicle’s hardware. In addition to software, modifications to the vehicle’s intake and exhaust systems may be required to improve cylinder fill and reduce engine heat load and pumping losses.

Stage 3: Substantial power increase by replacing turbos, shafts, intake and exhaust manifolds, installing compressors and other comprehensive engine and drivetrain modifications.

How do such changes affect the warranty?

In the worst case, if you have any problems, the warranty will be denied only for the engine. The warranty for steering repairs, paintwork and other elements of the vehicle will remain in place. This will happen if it is determined that the modifications caused damage or mechanical failures. And the dealer will only be able to deny the warranty on those components or systems that were affected during the Stage 1,2,3 process.

How do you keep your warranty?

1. Study the terms and conditions: Before making any modifications, consult with your dealer and review the modification limits allowed by the warranty. This will help mitigate risks regarding possible warranty impact.

2. Only use professionals: Use a qualified technician who can provide you with documentation of the work performed and the warranty on the new parts. Keep all documents so that you can confirm that they were done professionally. After all, if there is a dispute over the repair, the dealer still has to prove that the firmware is the cause of the breakdown.

Please note that before the service station you should not try to return the car to the stock state with the native firmware, the dealer will see it on the counter of parameterization attempts. 

Thus, there is no unambiguous answer to this question and each case is different. Therefore, Stage 1, 2 and 3 may affect the car warranty, but it is in your power to avoid this prospect and minimize the risks by acting prudently and following the rules of operation and maintenance in good faith. 

At DEIZ you will receive detailed advice and together with professionals you will protect yourself and your vehicle from unexpected problems and financial costs!